Activities for environment
Is your neighbourhood untidy? Would you like to do something for the parks and nature? City residents can participate in various volunteer activities in the public green areas, including cleaning, planting, weeding and renovation. You can help take care of the neighbourhood and make it more comfortable.
Clean-up events
Voluntary clean-up events have been organised in Helsinki since 1984. All Helsinki residents can organise voluntary clean-up events in public areas of their choosing. The areas to be cleaned can consist of the city’s public green spaces, such as forests, beaches, roadsides and parks. The organiser notifies the location and time of the event and will be provided with litter pickers and refuse sacks. Other tools can also be borrowed. The equipment will be provided by the regional green area contractor. The organiser will receive the contact details of the regional contact person upon notification to agree on the details of the work, if necessary. The notification must be given no later than two weeks before the activity. Voluntary clean-up events can be organised during snow-free times.
The events are communicated online at puistotalkoot.hel.fi/en. Volunteer activities can also be notified by calling the Urban Environment Division’s customer service, tel. +358 9 310 22111.
Campaign to collect a million bags of litter starting on 13 April
This spring, Yle encourages the whole of Finland to collect a million bags of litter. In the two-month-long cleaning campaign, 142 municipalities and cities, a number of organisations and communities as well as familiar faces from Yle will join forces with all Finns to collect one million bags of litter from the environment.
More information about organizing clean-up event and Yles campaign
Clean-up event information 2024
Campaign to plant summer flowers in Karhupuisto
Flowers for the summer in Karhupuisto, the living room for the citizens! The City of Helsinki offers residents the opportunity to plant flowers in Kallio’s Karhupuisto every summer. Karhupuisto gets a designated planting plan every year, and the City Garden provides the seedlings. The flowers are planted as a volunteer activity, including a snack meal for the volunteers.
Normally, the event takes place in early June. The time of the next planting event will be announced closer to the date. If you want to participate in the planting event to make Karhupuisto a summer flower paradise, please contact armi.koskela@hel.fi. The city will borrow the planting tools. Gloves are also available, but bring your own gloves if you have them.
The campaign takes place 2024 11th of June. The event in Facebook (in Finnish) Karhupuiston kesäkukkatalkoot 2024
Flower bulb planting campaign
In the autumn, the Urban Environment Division hands out flower bulbs to residents for planting in public green areas. The place of planting must always be agreed on with the city, and you can also ask for expert help in choosing the place.
The number of bulbs provided can vary between 100 and 3,000. The more bulbs you plant, the more spectacular the result. However, the bulbs must also have sufficient space to grow. Therefore, the choice of location greatly impacts the type and number of bulbs to be planted. There are separate instructions for choosing the location and actual planting at the end of this article.
The bulbs are handed out in September-October, and they should be planted before the ground freezes, preferably during October. If you are interested in organising a volunteer planting event or just want to plant bulbs to embellish your neighbourhood, please contact armi.koskela@hel.fi. Please note that the number of bulbs is limited. Those who miss out on this time will be prioritised on the next year’s list.
Kaivopuisto raking event
Everyone is welcome to rake leaves at the raking event in Kaivopuisto every autumn at the end of October. The city will bring the necessary tools and provide advice, guidance and snacks for the volunteers. The idea is to give everyone the opportunity to experience the joy of raking and doing things together.
Find out the date from here.
(The event calender is only in Finnish. You`ll find the raking event by name Kaivopuiston haravointitalkoot)
From April to November
Green areas all around the city.
No requirements; anyone capable of participating is welcomed. Guidance is provided if necessary.
Urban Environment Division
Additional information:
For more information on city-organised activities and how to organise your volunteer activities please contact Armi Koskela, the Urban Environment’s Volunteer Coordinator, at armi.koskela@hel.fi, tel. +358 40 719 0824 or puistokummit@hel.fi.