Information about the activites

Volunteers are doing invaluable work for the good of other people and the City. By volunteering some of your time, skills and support, you can do some good and make the week for someone who needs help. For example, as a park pal, you have the chance to spend time outdoors and take care of the environment – and your handiwork can be seen around town. You can make an excellent volunteer.

Volunteering is a way of increasing participation in Helsinki. The City of Helsinki’s Participation and Interaction Model seeks to promote resident know-how and knowledge. Building a better Helsinki together – with as many diverse voices represented as possible – is one of the city’s main priorities.

See the list of tasks to find out which activities are available in Swedish or English.

Volunteer your expertise and learn new things!

As a volunteer, you can create meaningful relationships and play a major role in someone else’s life by volunteering at a senior centre, participating in a peer support group or becoming an expert by experience, for example.

There are dozens of different tasks, and anyone can find the right fit for their interests and schedule. Activities are available throughout the City, meaning that you will not have to travel very far to participate.

You do not need magic skills, superpowers or a degree from a top university to become a volunteer. Being there for someone, supporting them, rooting for them and keeping them company may feel like the work of a superhero to our customers.

All you need to volunteer is a bit of enthusiasm and two helping hands. Even though special skills are not a requirement, it does not mean that they are not useful. Various performance and handcraft skills can be put to use in many types of activities, or you can have the chance to teach or entertain others. Many places, such as senior centres, community centres and youth centres offer chances to fulfil yourself and brainstorm activities. Don’t hesitate to share your ideas!

Volunteering is an excellent chance to learn new things and get to know people. You can discover new sides to yourself or strengthen skills that you have overlooked.