Volunteering with disabled people

Various units offer volunteering opportunities with disabled people on weekdays and on weekends, both during the day and in the evenings. Volunteers can join for one time or on a regular basis. Everybody can find a task suitable for their life situation and interests.

No previous experience is required, and volunteers are familiarized with each task. For example, volunteers can join excursions to push wheelchairs, or they can offer a helping hand in group activities.

For volunteering opprotunities in English contact:

Pasilan toimintakeskus

Pakkamestarinkatu 2, p. 09 310 43198

Pasilan toimintakeskus Siirry Pasilan toimintakeskuksen sivulle


or ask from other units of disability services:

See list of units (in Finnish) Link to vapaaehtoistoiminta vammaisten parissa



Occasionally or regularly, according to your schedule. Mostly at day time.


Group homes and other units for disabled people in Helsinki.


Volunteers are asked to attend Basic of Volunteering -course. In addition, volunteeres will be induced when starting in their task.